My skin journey - scars to severe acne

For years I've heard about microdermabrasion but was too scared to book an appointment, even 
though I knew it would be painless. One of my resolutions for 2019 was to take better care of 
my skin and have some treatments done to help reduce my redness and scarring. Microdermabrasion 
is when the face is sprayed with exfoliant crystals to remove deal skin cells and aims to improve the 
overall texture of your skin and reduce the look of fine lines and wrinkles, acne scars and redness.

I was recommended by fellow blogger, Elise Hegney, to check out Blakes Aesthetics and Beauty 
Clinic in Tamworth, Staffordshire. After checking out their Facebook page, reading through their 
reviews and seeing that they had 5* rating, I decided to book in. Blakes, offer a variety of different 
treatments and after discussing the areas I wanted to target and my price range I was recommend to 
have some microdermabrasion sessions with Louise. (Louise has since gone self-employed and now 
works at home, still offering the same treatments).

At first I was hesitant to spend £40 on a treatment that might not have worked on my skin. 
Nevertheless I decided to book in and see if I would have results. It wasn't until my second 
session that I really saw difference and how big that difference truly was. I've recently had my
 third session done and the results from that blew me away. 

Left side
Right side

Throughout my teenage years I always suffered with quite severe acne and could never get rid of it. 
I'm still on medication to help manage it and have been prescribed creams from the doctors which 
didn't work. The treatment 1 photos are the worst my skin has ever looked. The right side of my face 
has always been the more problem area. Its the side of my face that has the most redness and acne. 

After having 3 treatments, my skin isn't as red or inflamed, my scars have reduced massively 
and I don't get as many break outs as before. I still have some deep scars left, however I am going
 to be booking in to get a needling treatment done which goes targets those deeper scars that 
microdermabrasion can't reach. 

Before having this done, I was so embarrassed to leave the house without makeup on, incase I saw 
someone I knew or if someone said something to me. Now after all 3 treatments and seeing the 
results that I wanted, I'm not scared to leave the house without makeup on and actually don't wear 
makeup that often any more. I'm still self conscious but now no longer because of my skin.

If you are thinking about getting this treatment done or having any treatment for your skin, I 
would highly recommend it as you do get the results that you are after and it is so worth it. 


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