What I Got For My Birthday

I didn't really do much for my birthday this year so I was debating whether or not to do
 this post. I did one last year and also did a what I got for Christmas post so I thought
 I will. Plus I really enjoy seeing what other people got for their birthday. 

Can we just take a moment to appreciate my birthday cake! This is a surprise
multicolored confetti sponge cake from Asda. I don't think I can describe to 
you guys how nice this cake was. Not only was it nice but the smarties in the 
center were nice too and it looked gorgeous! 

Some of you might know that I'm going to London in June for IMATS so
I got some money of my Auntie and Uncle and Granddad. 

From my nan I got 2 coats as believe it or not I didn't own any that were
practical for the up and down English weather. The first one I got
was a trench coat with a detachable fur collar and neck line. The second
one is a mustard waterproof coat that has a fur lining. Unfortunately I 
was only able to find the trench coat online.

My Mom and my Uncle and Auntie went halves on one big present for me. 
They got me a set of studio lights that will help improve my blog photos.
I have set this up but I still haven't got the full hang of it yet, but soon
my photos will hopefully start improving.


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