Managing seasonal depression

This time of year, although beautiful and family focused, is also a really difficult time for many of us. The 
colder weather and shorter days can bring people to a 'winter depression' also known as seasonal affective 
disorder (SAD). Although this isn't the cause of it, the reason it's called winter depression is due to a dip in 
peoples moods when the weather changes. Although I like the atmosphere and how uplifting everyone is 
during the summer, I personally find myself thriving in the autumn as I love darker nights and colder 
weather. However when you go to work and come home in the dark and only have limited hours in the 
weekend to get things done, it can be easy to understand why people experience SAD.

There are a lot of ways that can help manage seasonal depression, just as there are ways to manage other 
mental health. There is no right or wrong ways to help manage any form of mental health issue and doing 
these doesn't mean that you're going to be 'cured'. These are ways to help manage and ease the symptoms 
to take a slight weight off your shoulders and hopefully work through them, no matter how long it takes. 

There are many different forms of light therapy lamps which mimic natural light and sunshine to help 
your body suppress its natural release of melatonin. These help to boost your mood, increase energy levels 
and to get a better nights sleep. You can also find sunrise alarm clocks which have sunrise and sunset 
simulation for a natural wake up call and better nights sleep with the help of relaxing sounds waves.

No matter what the concern, talking to a professional is so important. As much as we like to think we 
know everything, we don't. A professional has education and knowledge in all areas including things like 
seasonal depression to help give you the best care and treatment possible. Each person is different and 
what works for one person might not work for you, which is why talking to a professional can help get a 
care plan that works for you. It's important to make sure you are as open and honest as possible, in order 
to get the best care and guidance overall. 

People with SAD, often struggle with maintaining a regular sleep pattern. By sticking to a routine and 
schedule you are allowing your body to get into a habit whilst also exposing you to light consistently. 
Sticking to a routine is beneficial in multiple areas such as sleep, work but also eating. It's easy to get into 
a routine of snacking and eating unhealthy, especially in the colder months, which is why it's even more 
important to make sure you are getting all the vitamins and nutrients that you need throughout the day, by 
eating regularly and at appropriate times.

It's easy to get caught up and lost in the moment, which is why we should all set goals and plans to strive 
towards and look forward to. I like to set goals every week, month, year and season so I always have 
something to work towards. Making plans doesn't always have to be for something extravagant and out 
there. It can be for something as simple as getting a coffee with a friend or going for a walk round a new 
place that you've wanted to visit. It's the small things in life that adds up and keeps us going. 

It's ok not to be ok all the time. 



  1. Tbis time of year can be tough as like many people i go to work in the dark and come home the same, thank you for the tips, I will definitely be giving them a go xx

    1. That's what's happening with me at the moment. Clinging on to the last bit of 'normal' daylight when I finish work x

  2. I first heard about 'SAD' a few years ago and I was sceptical. I have to say, I do believe in it now, the dark mornings and dark evenings can be somewhat miserable when you're in an office all day! Have to make the most of those weekends :)

    Amy x
    The July Rose

    1. I definitely agree! It doesn't sound serious but it affects so many people x
