Self care tips

When the opportunity to give myself some extra care, love and a bit of a pamper I will jump at the 
chance. In an ideal world I would like to do this at least once a week in order to treat myself and give 
myself that time to relax. We're currently a month into the year and even though some, or the majority 
of us, won't have had the best start to the year in regards to productivity, doesn't mean it's all downhill 
from here. Now is still the time to make 2020 your year and give yourself the self care you need. 

My biggest tip for making sure to give yourself some self care is to make it a weekly routine, by 
scheduling it. I always find it best to do this on a Sunday as it's the end of a week and I get started
 for the week ahead, and after a few weeks of doing so it'll become a routine and a weekly habit.

Prioritising and understanding the difference between what you need to do and what you want to do 
is key. If you're hair is really dry and is need of some TLC then put 'doing a hair mask' at the top of 
your list. Do what is most important and is going to make you feel the best afterwards. I like to get a 
lot done in the bath so it's all done in one go. I make sure it's a bubble bath so I'm at ultimate 
relaxation, then do a hair mask, exfoliate, shave etc. Makes it easier and bath time more enjoyable.

Don't forget the little things. In any aspect of life I always say that the little things make the biggest 
difference. Small steps that will take you're routine from basic to boujee can be things as simple as a 
hand mask or putting on new pyjamas. These don't have to be expensive either. You can get hand, 
foot and sheet masks for less than £1 and if you don't have the money for new pyjamas you can 
always put on the pair that make you feel the most sexy or the comfiest. Whichever you are in to.

Self care doesn't have to be all bubble baths and face masks. Self care is simply taking care of 
yourself. This can include limiting your screen time, reading more, drinking more water, getting a 
well rested nights sleep. I struggle from a lot of mental health issues (which I've spoke about before), 
as do millions of other people, so self care is extremely important to better ourselves and help tackle 
all the issues rather than letting them sit and get worse. 

Favourite items/products

Top 3 tips
Turn off your screens
Spend some time alone
Read a book/magazine


This post does contain gifted items (marked with an Asterix) however this post is no sponsored. See disclaimer page for more information.


  1. These are such great tips- I definitely need to prioritise self-care a little more!
    Soph - x

  2. A long hot bath, facemask and listening to my fave music are my best and easiest way for self care. Such an important post!

    1. That sounds perfect! Anything with a good book for me x

  3. I love a good pamper session but sometimes self care is just having some down/quiet time for me!

    Gemma Louise

    1. Oh definitely, quiet time is just as much of a self care session as anything else x

  4. I have had some 'me' time today and that consisted of a cup of tea, cake and finishing off my book. I like posts like this, self care is important, no matter how you carry it out.

    Amy x
    The July Rose

    1. Literally anything can be self care, as long as your are taking care of yourself and giving you the time you need and deserve x
