Starting Your GCSE's - Advice and Tips

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If you are in year 11 then your GCSE's are approaching. I personally go on study leave in 
just over a month then come back for my exams which I have about 9 off.

Top Tips:
1. Plan - what lessons, what topics and how you are going to do so
2. Prepare - collect all your supplies and gather what you know is essential
3. Remove electronics - make sure you can't get distracted easily, but they can be used in you time
4. Revision timetable - make a timetable of what subject you're going to revise at what time
5. Have you time - if you don't allow time for yourself you will get stressed and start to get distracted easier than usual 

A revision time table is probably what is going to keep me sane and organized throughout revising. I have created a timetable that starts at 9am and finishes as 10pm. I have included 12 hours of english, 12 hours of science, 12 hours of maths, 9 hours of child development and 9 hours of textiles. I've included 4, 1 hour breaks and a 20-40 minute break after each hour. This is just a rough outline so I have a guideline of what I need to revise at what specific hour. I obviously am not going to stick to this exactly as it is but it is an outline of my idea of what I want to achieve. 

If you have any personal tips or advice, make sure to leave them in a comment below so you can help each other and can discuss with other people.


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