Meet Eddie

Meet Eddie. For so long me and Liam have wanted to get a puppy, and even more so since 
unfortunately loosing our dogs last year. We knew what breed of dog we wanted and finally decided 
to take the plunge 3 weeks ago and bring him into our family. I've already shared him on my 
Instagram stories and has already seemed to be very popular and he already has his own highlight 
full of pictures and information all about him, but I was still yet to share him with you all here! 

Eddie is a brindle Staffordshire Bull Terrier who has just turned 12 weeks old. We really would 
have liked to rescue a dog, but at this moment it wasn't the right time in our lives. After browsing 
online we found a family who was in the unfortunate position of getting rid of their new puppy, due 
to their landlord changing their mind. Within the next few hours we had contacted them, bought 
everything for him and was bringing him home to live with us. We spent the entire drive back 
browsing the Internet for names and couldn't find anything. We finally agreed on Eddie after Liam 
suggested it because he was driving behind an Eddie Stobart lorry! And the rest is history.

I knew before we got him that having a puppy wasn't going to be easy, but I definitely under 
estimated just quite how hard it was going to be. From the moment we got him home there have 
been obstacles and challenges that we've had to face. From him being covered in fleas from the 
previous owners, to him being ill the first week home and then just general day to day puppy life. 

I'm going to do a whole separate post on what to know when you get a puppy, but for now I wanted
 to introduce him to the world. At the moment he has had his first round of injections and is having 
his second round this Friday, so in a few weeks he'll be able to go out on walks. He's in the biting 
stage at the moment and nothing is safe, despite him having over 20 different toys to choose from. 
If he isn't playing or asleep then he's right next to you seeking comfort and attention. 

He is truly everything I wanted and everything I didn't know I needed. Although its hard and 
challenging we wouldn't have it any other way and can't wait to see his personality grow.

Lea-Mai (and Eddie)


  1. Omg he is the cutest...

    Candice ||

  2. he's gorgeous and I love his naming story hahaha x

    1. We was trying to find something that related to us but the story does that for us instead (weird)! x

  3. Omg look at him (heart-eyed emoji). He's adorable! Me and Liam (my Liam, haha) have spoken about getting a dog but I'm annoyingly allergic! :( Eddie is such a cute name too xxx

    Megan Elizabeth

    1. I know! That's a shame, you can get hypoallergenic dogs that might be an option for you x

  4. Omg he is so beautiful! Eddie is an adorable name.
    Me and my boyfriend would love a dog but we need our own house first haha xxx

    1. Thank you! I would definitely suggest living alone/moving out first, as its been a bit complicated with our situation! x

  5. Aw he is so gorgeous, bet you're in love! x

    Gemma Louise

  6. Aww he is so cute! I am glad that he went to a new loving home.

    Amy x
    The July Rose
