This photo is not mine
As my last role model Monday, I had to honour it to a women who has been through thick and thin and experienced more things than she should of ... my nan. My nan is a women whom I admire so much, not only for everything she's been through but also for sticking with me and being by my side.
Growing up my nan experienced a lot and lost people who meant everything to her. Despite all of this my nan still managed to come out the other side. Throughout my life I've experienced a lot, especially with my anxiety and school. My nan would walk with me to school, get on the bus with me to college and come along to meetings at school. There are so many people in my life whom I am thankful to say got me to where I am today, and my nan is definitely one of them.
My nan comes round everyday and due to college and other events I get to see my nan about
2-3 times a week. I can't go over a week without seeing or talking to my nan.
2-3 times a week. I can't go over a week without seeing or talking to my nan.
I'm beyond grateful for my nan being in my life and always being there for me.
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