Why I haven't been blogging a lot lately - life, work, relationships

Over the last 5 months I've significantly been slacking in all areas of my life, but especially blogging. I 
hate that I've let things get like this because I truly love blogging so much. Expressing myself through 
writing and sharing my love and passions with you all. There are a lot of reasons why I haven't been 
blogging a lot lately, and some I don't know if I'll ever be ready to share with you, however I did want to 
give an explanation, not just to give you an insight in what's been going on but also to hold myself 
accountable and get back into a routine with blogging and uploading more frequently. 

At the beginning of December I moved out of my family home and into my own flat. I've absolutely loved 
being here and consider this home. Like a lot of things in life, making a house a home doesn't happen over 
night, which for me has been really difficult. I'm someone who likes to get everything done as soon as 
possible, so being without a sofa for 2 months or little things like not having curtains in the spare room 
have really played on my mind, a lot more than it would someone else. 

I am also in the transition of starting a new job. I can't talk about it at the minute, and most likely won't 
because I like to keep that part of my life private, however it's very exciting and will be happening very 
soon. I'm definitely nervous for it because it's something new and the unexpected, but it's a step in the 
right direction that is needed and onto bigger and better things!

Unfortunately as of recently my relationship has come to an end. There have been a lot of things that
 have happened resulting in this but, I'm a big believe in everything happens for a reason. I'm not going 
to talk about it as it's something I'm not comfortable with currently, however this has been a huge 
difficulty and something that I'm struggling with in words that I can't describe for obvious reasons.

As a result of all of this my mental health has taken quite a bashing. Spending more days in bed that I can count, not motivated or inspired by anything and no ambition to want to do anything. I struggle extremely with change. So having moved out recently, starting a new job, lockdown and my relationship break down have been harder than I could've imagined. Things are slowly getting back to normal and into a slight routine and I'm trying to focus on the positives of everything! 



  1. Ah I'm so sorry your relationship came to an end.. you're right tho. Everything does happen for a reason. I can't wait to see more amazing content from you!


  2. So many changes! Congratulations on the new job, that's so exciting! And I'm sorry to hear about the more difficult changes too. Don't beat yourself up, sometimes a break as all you need and you come back with a new motivation and zest, just take it easy xx

    Stef | www.steffaniebee.com

  3. Sounds like you've had an intense time lately! Hope things get a bit better for you soon!

    Corinne x

    1. Thanks lovely. Hopefully things will start to look up x

  4. Im so sorry to hear that, I am sure things will start to get better soon. Stay Strong!

  5. Sorry to hear you have had a hard time of late, I hope things get better for you.

    Amy x
    The July Rose
